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How can I provide my Tax Identification Number (TIN)?

It is as easy as 123!
First, log in to the Tune Talk App.
Go to More > Profile > Edit Profile and key in your TIN in the TIN Number field.
Remember to click Confirm to save your TIN!

How do I request for an e-Invoice?

You can request for the e-invoice by going to Transactions Details > Thank You page. Click the ‘Generate e-Invoice’ button at the bottom.

Alternatively, you can still request for the e-Invoice at the My Order > Order Details page.

Note: All e-Invoice requests can only be done within the transaction’s calendar month and 5 days thereafter.

Where can I access a previously requested e-Invoice?

You can access the e-Invoice at the Tune Talk App. Go to My Order > Order Details page.

Why am I not able to view the ‘Generate e-Invoice’ button in the Order Details page?

It is likely that the duration to request for e-Invoice has expired. e-Invoice requests are only accepted within the transaction’s calendar month and 5 days thereafter. Kindly reach out to our friendly Customer Care representatives to assist you.