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Upgrade to Tune Talk Hi-Value Prepaid Pack (“TTHV”) for FREE!

You can now upgrade your SIM Pack for FREE from 13 September 2021 until 31st March 2022.
Read the FAQs below before upgrading your pack!

Once I switch to TTHV Pack, can I switch back to my previous pack?

Kindly note you may NOT reverse any switching of tariff plans.

Do I need to replace my SIM card?

No, you can continue to use your existing SIM card and any changes will be reflected automatically upon successful switch

I have more than one Tune Talk number. If I request to switch, will it apply to all my other numbers as well? Can I switch more than one number?

No, the switch will only happen for the number that you have requested for. You will need to manually send in the request for each number that you wish to switch.

I am an existing Tune Talk user. Will there be any charges to switch my current mobile number to the TTHV Pack?

Yes, you can switch for 300 pts. However, this fee is waived from 13th Sept 2021 until 31st March 2022.

Tune Talk Points balance can be viewed via the Tune Talk App or USSD (dial *133#)

How long does it take for the switch to happen after sending the SMS or request via Tune Talk app?

The switch may take up to 15 minutes. You will receive a confirmation SMS once it is successful.

What are the key upgrades between my current pack and the new TTHV Pack?

The TTHV Pack offers plans with hi-speed data at the best value with no worries on validity or the need to top-up for continuous usage

View the plans HERE!

Can I switch if my number is in Grace Period?

No, you would need to reactivate your line by topping up first.

Who is eligible to switch to Tune Talk Hi-Value (TTHV) Pack?

Tune Talk Subscribers can switch from your existing tariff plans to the TTHV pack (or equivalent) to enjoy the new plans available on the TTHV pack from 24th August 2021 onwards.

You may check your current tariff plan via:

  • The Tune Talk App (next to your Mobile number); or
  • USSD by dialling *111# > Account Info > Tariff plan
What will happen to my existing data plan, voice quota, bonus or freebies after I switch to the TTHV Pack?

Upon successful switch to TTHV Pack, all your existing data, voice and SMS balances will be forfeited. It is suggested to exhaust all your existing quota prior to switching.

Upon switching, you will automatically be utilising Basic Internet 64Kbps and will need to subscribe to a data plan for hi-speed data quota.

What will happen to my existing credit, Points and credit validity?

All the above will be maintained as per pre-switch.

Once I switch to TTHV Pack, can I switch back to my previous pack?

Kindly note you may NOT reverse any switching of tariff plans.

What are the key upgrades between my current pack and the new TTHV Pack?

The TTHV Pack offers plans with hi-speed data at the best value with no worries on validity or the need to top-up for continuous usage

View the plans HERE!

Do I need to replace my SIM card?

No, you can continue to use your existing SIM card and any changes will be reflected automatically upon successful switch

Can I switch if my number is in Grace Period?

No, you would need to reactivate your line by topping up first.

I have more than one Tune Talk number. If I request to switch, will it apply to all my other numbers as well? Can I switch more than one number?

No, the switch will only happen for the number that you have requested for. You will need to manually send in the request for each number that you wish to switch.

Who is eligible to switch to Tune Talk Hi-Value (TTHV) Pack?

Tune Talk Subscribers can switch from your existing tariff plans to the TTHV pack (or equivalent) to enjoy the new plans available on the TTHV pack from 24th August 2021 onwards.

You may check your current tariff plan via:

  • The Tune Talk App (next to your Mobile number); or
  • USSD by dialling *111# > Account Info > Tariff plan
I am an existing Tune Talk user. Will there be any charges to switch my current mobile number to the TTHV Pack?

Yes, you can switch for 300 pts. However, this fee is waived from 13th Sept 2021 until 31st March 2022.

Tune Talk Points balance can be viewed via the Tune Talk App or USSD (dial *133#)

What will happen to my existing data plan, voice quota, bonus or freebies after I switch to the TTHV Pack?

Upon successful switch to TTHV Pack, all your existing data, voice and SMS balances will be forfeited. It is suggested to exhaust all your existing quota prior to switching.

Upon switching, you will automatically be utilising Basic Internet 64Kbps and will need to subscribe to a data plan for hi-speed data quota.

How long does it take for the switch to happen after sending the SMS or request via Tune Talk app?

The switch may take up to 15 minutes. You will receive a confirmation SMS once it is successful.

What will happen to my existing credit, Points and credit validity?

All the above will be maintained as per pre-switch.

I understand that by switching to TTHV pack:-

  • All my existing voice, SMS, data quota(s) and renewals will be forfeited (Any plans/freebies eligible to previous tariffs will no longer be available to TT Hi-Value subscribers)
  • I will NOT be able to switch back to my previous tariff plan
  • I have read and understood the TT Hi-Value Prepaid Pack T&Cs.

Switch for FREE!

SMS TTHI to 2222